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MIT App Inventor

Mole Mash

Mole Mash was the first tutorial and app that my partner and I completed together using MIT App Inventor. We followed the tutorial on their website called Mole Mash. It was a pretty simple tutorial to follow, very precise and straightforward that helped guide us through the process. We had very little obstacles of which included finding editing blocks in the Blocks Editor. The main problem we had was with our tablet, we did not work with a tablet from the beginning due to it not working and when we tested our app with the tablet, it did not want to work even though the coding was correct. It was a fun assignment to work on and begin my experience with.

Anderson Forecast

MIT App Inventor was a project that six of my peers, including myself, worked on during our Tech Academy class. The purpose of this project was to create a mobile app that worked and one could play. Our group had a different goal. We were approached by Jerry Nicklesburg, an Economics professor at the University of California, Los Angeles. Our goal was to create a mobile app that contained data of past and future economic forecasts of the city of Los Angeles.


As we took on this task, we knew it would be difficult. Our vision was to create an app that was easy access to the public having mutiple screens that gave the audience an easier understand of the app. The main challenge was the coding. We are basic students of App Inventor therefore the level of this app was incredibly difficult.


We are proud of what we accomplished and the progress we made. The experience was one of a kind.

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